My rating: 5 of 5 stars
First things first, I bought this book because of the cover. It looked like a creepy horror story and I would not miss such books. But when I started reading, it did not look anything like horror. It had a gloomy element in the beginning and soon there were some fantasy elements, but I was not getting anything horror like until the second half. It’s true, the writer takes a long time in establishing the horror elements, but given the way he has developed the story, I think the timing is worth it. The moment horror begins, the thrill factor simply won’t stop and before you know you are totally on all fours to find out the mystery behind the horror.
That Frequent Visitor is a story narrated by an Englishman’s ghost to a young Anglo Indian girl called Shiuli. This story is set up in the colonial period of British India and we get to see lot of interesting facts about the period ranging from the World War 1 to granting of independence to India. But those are just the backdrop; the real story is about a psycho legend who spells doom upon whoever breaches his property. At times, it is kind of typical plot but then the author hari kumar uses so many varying literary devices and facts that the story hardly seems like fiction. I liked the story and I needed lot of patience to sit through the first fifty or so pages, but after that it’s a tsunami!
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